I took a few things of dads after he died. His hat. His suspenders (he always wore them, usually under his shirt!) And a brown jacket that I had never seen before. All the other coats and jackets I recognized; he'd bought them when visiting my brother or I, or we'd given them to him as gifts. But I'd never seen this jacket before.
It was a little long on me, but actually keeps my butt warm when I pull it down. It's the perfect weight for those days between 40 and 65 degrees. The color is perfect for me - brown.
And the pockets...well...the pockets are the best part! Come to think of it, it's something dad and I had in common. We loved having lots of pockets in our jackets. Places we could hide things (or sometimes lose them). Pockets that held zippers that lead to hidden pockets. Pockets on the outside...pockets on the inside.
Yeah. Dad and I were alike in that way. And, as I'm beginning to learn, in many other ways, too.
1 comment:
I took some special things of my dad to keep him close to me:
his handkerchief
his shaving brush
his English Leather
his porcelain bulldog (he had a collection)
several of his million dollar bills with his picture on them- his favorite gag gift he would distribute everywhere he went... the bank, Salvation Army...
his glasses
It really helps. But really he's in my heart.
I don't know if I've learned a lot new about my dad, but I've learned a lot about myself.
I bought a plot next to my parents after my father died. In a million years I didn't think I'd ever do that. Or care. But I learned how connected I feel to my family. How important they are. How strong my mother is. How loving and loyal my brother is.
I love your blog. It feels good to talk about this.
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